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Donor:  AMENED (U.S Road Safety Organization), New York. Implementer: Save the Nation Association (SNA). Time line: August, 2016 Survey Research

Save the Nation Association with the financial aid of The Fund for Global Health conducted road assessment on World Bank

Fasten Seat Belts

It is the law to buckle up, but still, many people do not fasten seat belts! On the back seats,

Drink Driving

When you are driving, your brain has to deal with many things and process countless data. Alcohol affects your ability

Pre Drive Vehicle Check

When your vehicle breaks down, it can turn into a real nightmare, but performing a Pre Drive Vehicle Check potentially

Flashing Your Lights

When ever you try to take over a slower car in a fast lane you should flash your head lights.

Signal Your Intention

More than 18% of the dead toll on Ethiopia’s roads was attributed to illegal changing of lanes or lane swerving.

Driver Time Management

Much of the bad behavior on the streets is caused by drivers who are IN A RUSH to get somewhere

Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrian safety must be taken more seriously! More than 12,000 peoples are killed on Ethiopia’s road in the last four